Having experienced acupuncture first-hand as an effective healing method while working in the investment banking industry in London, I decided to embark on a change of career so that I could help others and share the wisdom of this ancient medicine. I have since spent many years continuing to learn and dedicate myself to applying this knowledge and expertise to improve my patients' health and wellbeing.

I qualified from the London College of Traditional Acupuncture in 2010 after three years' training and gained a Licentiate in Acupuncture and a First Class honours degree (BSc) in Traditional Acupuncture accredited by Portsmouth University. My degree is validated by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board (BAAB). I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and therefore bound by their codes of safety and ethics. I carry full professional indemnity and public liability insurance cover.

I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). The AVR scheme was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public. Accreditation demonstrates commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service.

I am also a member of the Zita West National Network of Affiliated Acupuncturists, the UK's only integrated clinic for preconception planning, natural fertility and IVF, which integrates evidence-based complementary therapies into mainstream fertility and pregnancy care.

Acupuncture in St Albans and Hatfield, Herts    © B.Masters 2024